A 'Bridge' to Master's Engineering Programs
Numerous jobs in computer science, data informatics and cybersecurity have six-figure earning potential, and demand is growing. The...

Potholes and Teenagers: The Rules of Engagement
Do you remember when you were a teenager? Unfortunately, I do and quite vividly. As you probably already know, rule number one for...

![Develop[Her]: One Woman at a Time](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0652cb_0189ae1c6853414f9eadaa8b6014f92c~mv2_d_3744_5616_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_335,h_252,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/0652cb_0189ae1c6853414f9eadaa8b6014f92c~mv2_d_3744_5616_s_4_2.webp)
Develop[Her]: One Woman at a Time
Lauren Hasson discovered computer science in high school, but it took patience, insight, and a flexible attitude to find the fulfilling...