Online Game Prepares Teens for Storm Surges
Source: Loughborough University A new online game instructs children 12 and older how to survive a powerful storm surge by teaching them...

At the Intersection of Fashion and Science
The Apollo dress shirt is based on temperature-regulating spacesuits designed for astronauts traveling to Mars. Courtesy: Ministry of...

Researchers Find New Ways to Bring Sports Venues to Achieve Zero Waste
Source: MU Athletics Officials at college sporting venues are leading the effort toward zero-waste events at their facilities. Many...

Bars and Stripes Forever: How Bar Codes Changed Supply Chains
The first commercial use of a bar code scanner was at a supermarket in Ohio and was fully publicized and recorded. Credit: Yale...

Building an Innovation-Friendly Organization
Author Walter Isaacson writes about the series of disruptive technologies that have led to the current digital revolution. Image source:...

The “Right Stuff” for Innovative Engineering Teams
Brian Muirhead No matter what the industry, getting there first with an idea that captivates the customer is the Holy Grail of...

Bridging Distance to Forge Effective Human—and Machine—Collaboration
When Judy Olson received the news that she was being inducted into the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), her husband Gary chuckled....

Studies: Screen Time Can Inhibit Sleep; Lack of Sleep May Lead to Anger
In the last few weeks, two studies were released that closely examine the causes and effects of unhealthy sleep habits. Lack of sleep...

Study: Social Media Negatively Affects the Way Young Women View Themselves
A new study from York University confirms a common refrain: social media has negative self-confidence effects on women aged 18 to 27. The...

The Value of Virtual Reality Field Trips
As both the price and the content for virtual reality systems improve, more and more schools are embracing the technology that gives...