The Art of Retrofitting
When we think of engineering in the aviation industry, we tend to focus on the development of new aircraft, but what about the planes...

S1 E8:Â Aerospace
Travel down memory lane with one of the original Nerd Girls, Danielle Vardaro, who explains what ignited the Nerd Girls mission. ​This...

New Stadium Lights Cut Down on Light Pollution and Complaints from Neighbors
On the left are the traditional stadium lights on a football field and to the right are the new lights. Source: Robert Anders, DTU As the...

Crowdfunding a Consumable Spherical Water Bottle — the Ooho!
Image credit: Skipping Rocks Lab A team of entrepreneurs affiliated with Skipping Rocks Lab has started a crowdfunding effort to...

Brighter, Full-Color Holograms Viewed with Low Light
A 2-D hologram that can be displayed with just a flashlight. Source: University of Utah Researchers at the University of Utah have...

Welcome to the Jungle: Rockwell enhances the theme park experience
Karen Rockwell may have been good at math and science as a kid, but that doesn’t mean she had any interest in becoming an engineer. There...

S1 E7:Â Disneyland Efficiency
How the happiest place on earth keeps the park lines entertaining and the churro cart in the perfect spot. Karen Rockwell shares the...

Q&A: Why 3D Training Simulators are Important in Industrial, Medical and Military Markets
A 2D modeling animation done for Stihl. Source: Chicago Technical Media While video is in an important training tool, technical animation...

Online Game Prepares Teens for Storm Surges
Source: Loughborough University A new online game instructs children 12 and older how to survive a powerful storm surge by teaching them...

Five influential female scientists and engineers for International Women's Day 2019
Each year on March 8, events worldwide are held to celebrate International Women’s Day. The day offers a chance to reflect on the strides...