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Nerd Girls Know That MathMovesU

On Oct. 20th, 350 girls - mostly in 5th grade - got their Nerd Girl on at the "MathMovesU" event at Middlesex Community College, supported by Raytheon. As part of a day full of science and technology-related activities, our very own Dr. Karen Panetta gave a presentation on why math and science are so important, how it's useful, and what you can do with it that connects to your own interests. A message that really resonated was that you don't have to be perfect at math to pursue these types of careers, as long as you pass! Even engineers make mistakes sometimes. That's why they work in teams.

Dr. Karen brought along a pair of Nerd Girls from Nigeria and China, who were thrilled to work on some programming and robotics stuff with the girls because they don't really have this kind of outreach in their countries.

In other cool news, BU Today just released a new article on Dr. Karen - check it out!

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